The Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce Board is made up of 13 elected representatives from the Council and Local Area Advisory Boards who have served for over one year. The role of the Board is to ensure that the Chambers is a well run business. The Board has three non-executive officers - President, Deputy President and Treasurer.

Steve Timmis.
President, Managing Director, Sempar Accountancy & Tax

Dr Eve Davies.
Deputy President, Managing Director, ProtectaPet

Rachel Laver.
CEO, Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce

Matt Hubbard.
Managing Director, Reels in Motion

Hannah Ault.
Managing Director, Valentine Clays

Josie Morris.
Managing Director, Woolcool

Steve Tellwright.
People and Quality Director, Capula Ltd

Fiona Hawkins.
Managing Director, Plinkfizz

Ramona Hirschi.
Managing Director, Belvoir, Stoke-on-Trent

Lee White.
Managing Director, Sterling Transport Consultancy

Catherine Crockett.
Head of UK Customer Support, LilaConnect

Geoff Barton.
Stafford President, General Manager, Canalside Farm

Tom Wilkinson.
Staffordshire Moorlands President, Director, Beta Commercial Finance Limited

Kate Beardmore.
Director, Katie-May