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Declan’s Blog: Green Staffordshire.

During the next few weeks I will be running through the five key themes of our 2024 Staffordshire Chambers Business Manifesto.

This week, I’m focusing on Green Staffordshire. 

As the impact of climate change is being felt at both a global and local level, more and more businesses are recognising the need for sustainability to play a key role in day-to-day operations.   

Rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns across the world are a regular feature in the news but this is being brought closer to home when we see local roads closed due to flooding or trains being slowed down due to a risk of rails buckling under intense summer heat.

‘Net Zero’, ‘Carbon Neutral’ and ‘Carbon Footprint’ have all entered our day-to-day vocabulary but where do businesses go if they wish to embrace sustainability aspirations?   There are many sources of advice and information out there but information overload can lead to confusion.  We aim to provide clear guidance and signposting.  The use of case studies of businesses who have led the way in sustainability, brings this to life and will encourage others to follow suit.

In last week’s blog, I talked about the need to “future proof” training in the area of digital skills.  Ditto for training in green skills and sustainability.  It’s a sector which moves at a fast pace and upskilling must be ready to adapt to new processes and technologies in the area of sustainability.

We know of local Staffordshire businesses who are quite self-sufficient at generating their own energy, through photovoltaic (PV) or solar cells.  The challenge comes with being able to offload surplus energy back into the grid.  We continue to call for the government to commit to ambitious plans for grid upgrades, which will ensure easier grid connectivity and enhanced infrastructure.  Without this commitment, businesses may simply move to other parts of the country which have better connectivity.

Increased government funding is needed to offer support to businesses who can develop green innovations and processes.   This will encourage green entrepreneurship and good practise which can be adopted by others.

The Stoke-on-Trent District Heat Network will deliver heat to buildings in the city, through a closed-loop network of underground pipes, potentially reducing energy costs for customers.  The use of energy from waste and integrating a deep-geothermal well can lead to the delivery of sustainable low-carbon heat. 

You can read our Manifesto in full by clicking on the link:

Business Manifesto 2024 – Flipbook – Page 1 (paperturn-view.com)

If you have any suggestions or feedback regarding our Manifesto, please send an e-mail to:


Our Energy, Environment & Sustainability forum is tasked with exchanging information on energy, environmental concerns and sustainability within the private sector.  This forum helps to drive our policy understanding on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability and promotes the development of a sustainable economy in Staffordshire. 

The forum meets again on Tuesday 10th September at 10AM.  The meeting will be hosted online and our guest speakers will include an update on the District Heat Network.  Click here to book your place:

Energy, Environment & Sustainability Forum – Staffordshire Chambers

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