Business Forum.

Our Responsible Business forum comprising both private sector businesses and non-profit organisations, is dedicated to promoting and advancing responsible business practices across Staffordshire. Our mission is to encourage collaboration and dialogue among diverse stakeholders to drive positive social, environmental, and economic impacts.

Meetings are delivered on a hybrid basis, with the option to attend in person or join remotely through MS Teams.  You can book to confirm your place by clicking on the relevant date on the events page of our website.  If you prefer to attend remotely, you can also apply for the Teams link for the meeting.  Simply choose the date of the meeting from the calendar on the events page of our website.

Upcoming Meetings.

Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce,


Key Item: Commissioning and Procurement


Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce,


Key Item: Measuring Impact


Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce,


Key Item:


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Over 200 events a year

Access to highly qualified business professionals

Access vital business documents

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Over 200 events a year

Access to highly qualified business professionals

Access vital business documents

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Over 200 events a year

Access to highly qualified business professionals

Access vital business documents