Employers needed to support delivery of Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIPs)

Sara Williams and Chris Plant

Local businesses are being urged to join the Chambers’ LSIP Employers Forum to help address the skills challenges and barriers that local firms are facing when recruiting or upskilling their staff.

Skills shortages are regularly highlighted by businesses as a key recruitment issue, and LSIPs, funded by the Department for Education, aim to put the voice of local employers at the heart of the learning and skills system to build a stronger, more dynamic partnership between employers and education providers.

Your input will support the creation of an LSIP for Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire with set actions that local stakeholders such as businesses, colleges and universities will need to achieve – including changes needed to make post-16 technical education or training more responsive and closely aligned to local labour market needs.

This will, in turn, help to alleviate pressures on the skills challenges that businesses are facing in our area – boosting their productivity and the growth of the local economy.

The board will meet on the fourth Friday of every month from 8.30-10am and it is vital that we have representatives from businesses of all sizes, locations and sectors.

If you are interested in taking part, please email suzanne.quinn@staffordshirechambers.co.uk

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