Strategic Partnership

Strategic Partnership

For those that are not quite at the Patronage stage but do want to grow their partnership with The Chamber and raise awareness within the local business community. At the chambers we are doing all we can to help navigate the ever-changing business landscape with regular updates on finance, energy, skills, employment and much more.

Our member’s input has never been more important to add weight to our representations to local authorities, the Government and other key stakeholders. This is where Strategic Partnership comes in to play. A strategic partnership with the chambers will help to promote Members, ensure representation across all activities and provide support for key initiatives.


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Marketing idea Skills Hub

Publicity, Communications & Chamber Publications


Daily Focus

A bespoke article in the Daily Focus newsletter – the largest business publication in Staffordshire with a circulation of around 10,000 - x 6 times during the year and the article published on our associated web site.

Social Media

Aforementioned article to be included in our social media programme.


You may be asked to represent the Chambers as a leader in your field on issues related to your area of expertise, offering expert comment where possible.

Focus Magazine

Focus magazine will feature a Strategic Partners Members page per edition, with each partner receiving a feature per year. Focus is currently produced quarterly.

Professional Services Membership

Complimentary membership for one of the following professional service sector groups - Finest, Future Finest or Nexgen (Apprenticeships), as appropriate.

Project Planning

Support with the planning of a ‘corporate or strategic project’. If external costs are involved, this will be funded by the strategic partner, not the Chamber.

Chamber Events & Patron Exclusive Events


  • We will organise an event each year that coincides with any of your campaigns or new services - or where you want to talk to our members about an issue. This could be a round table for a targeted audience or a more general event for the wider membership. We will organise and market this. Other costs for food and refreshments will be met by the strategic partner.
  • Strategic Partners will receive two complimentary tickets to our highly acclaimed Patrons Autumn Lunch.
  • Strategic Partners will receive a free ticket + one guest to attend the business leaders events, held quarterly, for the leading companies in Staffordshire.
  • Strategic Partner will receive five tickets, to our annual ‘Speaker Summit’. This year’s event included Jill Scott MBE, England Lioness as keynote speaker. Our full speaker line-up gave an insight into their own successes, challenges and strategy for growth and offered a Q&A session.

  • Strategic partners will receive a Chamber Pack, which will contain relevant logos, for use on their marketing materials etc.
  • Strategic Partners Logo to be displayed on the specific Strategic Partners page on the Chamber website.
  • Strategic Partners have access to our exclusive Members’ Lounge, for things such as client meetings and remote working, and are eligible for the use of our meeting rooms for up to 30 delegates free of charge once each year.
  • Access and attendance to our 11 sector specific forums, generally held quarterly.
  • Opportunity to attend 250 in-person and virtual events throughout the year with our member discount rate.
  • Strategic Partners will receive a complimentary stand with priority booking at the region’s biggest annual expo event, Let’s Do Business, which is attended by circa 1,000 business delegates.

Our Strategic Partners

Afford rent a car Logo
Capital Allowance Logo
Topcashback Logo
Retail Knows Why logo