International Trade week and how businesses can get involved

Starting today, the Department for International Trade are hosting the UK’s first ever International Trade week, with the aims of helping businesses learn more about selling globally. The events, which will take place virtually and in-person, will allow businesses to connect with trade industry experts as well as promote the departments new ‘Made in the UK, Sold to the World’ campaign.

The campaign will help promote the opportunity to either start exporting for the first time or expand existing exports.

Mike Freer MP and Minister for Exports, said: “The events will help more businesses across the UK start exporting so they can seize the wins on offer in the world’s fastest-growing markets.

“Exporting is crucial to the government’s plans to level up and build back better, and this week of events is a great opportunity for businesses to get involved, share advice and learn from the experts.”

Sara Williams, CEO of Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce, said: “It’s great to see a series of events like these organised by DIT take place. A wide variety of events have been organised ranging from creating market entry strategies for the Asia-Pacific region, to sessions on export finance and what Trade Agreements mean for UK businesses.

“I encourage businesses of all sizes to participate and attend the events taking place across the week. This is a great opportunity, especially for businesses that are considering exporting for the first time and are looking for new opportunities to grow and thrive. It is crucial that SME’s have the support and information they need to become successful exporters as part of the government’s global Britain and levelling up ambitions.”

Businesses who are interested in exporting or maximising their growth via exporting are encouraged to take part in the week by joining the events best tailored to their interests. You can find out more about the series of events taking place and register to attend by visiting

The Department of International Trade based at Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce can also provide dedicated support and services for exporters as well as providing assistance with export and import documentation. If you would like to speak to a member of our international trade team, call 01782 224405.

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