Responding to the King’s Speech

Responding to today’s King’s Speech, Rachel Laver, CEO of Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce said:

“The King’s Speech has unveiled an ambitious and comprehensive agenda that will undoubtedly impact businesses and communities across the country. Here in Staffordshire, the proposed measures hold significant promise for our members, offering both opportunities and challenges that we at the Chambers are here to help and support with.

The government’s pledge to “get Britain building” by reforming planning procedures to accelerate housebuilding is a crucial step forward. For Staffordshire, this could mean a surge in construction projects, boosting the local economy and creating jobs. Our construction sector stands to benefit immensely, and this growth will likely ripple through the supply chain. However, we already know that the construction sector is facing recruitment challenges, so we will need to continue to work with training providers and employers to address these shortages and continue to promote apprenticeship opportunities. It will also be essential to ensure that these developments are sustainable and well-integrated into our communities, making the most of the green technology that is available.  We will also continue to lobby government for investment into brownfield sites which continue to blight local communities but which are often in central locations, ideal for housing if the gap funding can be provided to make the sites viable.

The establishment of publicly-owned Great British Energy to invest in renewable energy is a forward-thinking move that aligns with Staffordshire’s growing green economy. Businesses in our region can expect new opportunities in the renewable energy sector, from manufacturing to research and development with us already having some great growing businesses in the space such as GivEnergy and Stone Group. This initiative will also help local companies meet sustainability targets as low carbon technology becomes more readily available , helping to improve operating efficiencies  and  enhancing their reputation and appeal in an increasingly eco-conscious market.

The government’s aim to modernise the asylum and immigration system and establish a new Border Security Command is significant for Staffordshire businesses that rely on a diverse and skilled workforce. A more efficient and secure immigration system can help meet the demand for talent in key sectors such as healthcare, technology, and engineering. We welcome this change as we here frequently hear from businesses about how the visa system is delaying their ability to recruit staff and therefore holding back the development of their businesses. This modernisation is crucial to addressing skill shortages that many businesses currently face.  However, we remain committed to supporting home grown talent and improving graduate retention in the area by showcasing career opportunities and promoting the amazing businesses we have in Staffordshire.”

Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce remains committed to supporting our members through these transitions. We have set out our key campaigning initiatives within our manifesto, which you can read here.