SDG 6: How water at your workplace can make waves to power your pathway to Net Zero

SD6 Graphic

SDG 6, Clean Water and Sanitation, aims to ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

Staffordshire Chambers of Commerce member, Water Plus, has shared their expert advice on what to look at to spot opportunities, cut any areas of water waste and lower running costs, including energy.

Although water is under Scope three on your emissions, it shouldn’t be looked at last as it can help lower energy costs too. Getting more data, on where water is used, is an important first step.

Mark Taylor, Advanced Services Operations Manager in England for water retailer Water Plus, said: “With energy costs in the news, there are some areas where there are low-cost opportunities and options for organisations, particularly if the number of people at sites is fluctuating through a year. This is why tracking what water is used throughout a year is important.

“Use a lot of water or have more than one meter? Data loggers that can be placed on water meters help you spot saving opportunities too – and highlight additional areas needing attention.”

Mark continued: “As there are carbon emissions linked to the water you get through taps, and the wastewater taken away and treated, it also shows that by just boiling the water you need in work kitchen kettles – to reducing water waste from any leaks, including dripping taps, running toilets from cisterns – and elsewhere at your site – soon adds up to lowering running costs, creating less carbon overall and using less energy too.”

Water Plus created the water cycle image this year, to help highlight the carbon emissions linked to water – to help raise awareness around opportunities for organisations of all sizes.

SDG 6 also includes water efficiency.

If you have a number of taps, toilets – or even showers – then flow rate restrictors will soon add up to much lower water bills. Regular meter reads, ideally each month, or more frequently, for example as part of other daily checks in your operation when you’re using more water, also keeps you on top of costs by spotting water issues early.

This year a rugby club said it has cut its water use by 36%, on peak days, after Water Plus worked with them around installing more water efficiency devices including tap aerators and water-efficient showerheads. The work with the rugby club also identified a slow trickling leak, losing 12 litres of water an hour, which wouldn’t have been visible on just their water bill.

If less water needs heating, then less energy needs to be used -reducing the carbon emissions, unless your power is from 100% certified renewable energy already.

Plus, there’s a big 130% tax deduction currently available for organisations that invest in equipment including fittings in their buildings – so it’s a great time to look at water saving*.

You can read more about what you can do with water here

To contact the Advanced Services and proactive water management team at Water Plus, email .

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