Our influence and policy team aims to represent the interests of Staffordshire businesses at a local and national level. You can get involved to help shape Staffordshire by: Completing our Quarterly Economic Survey, Britain’s most influential private business survey and used by the HM Treasury, Bank of England and the European Commission to assess the health of the UK economy.
Raising your views and concerns at meetings with local authorities and MPs. As well as the host of benefits already available through standard membership packages, Staffordshire Chambers also offers more specific support by working closely with a variety of sectors. These bespoke sector packages offer a support service specially tailored to each specific trade.
In addition, the Chamber helps bring local businesses from a cross section of industries together, providing members with exceptional networking opportunities and new and useful contacts on a regular basis. If you believe that your industry would benefit from a specific sector support group, or would like to speak with any of our influence experts get in touch and see how you could grow.
To find out more please call 01782 202222